What is hygge?

Hygge. Hug? High-gee? Higg? What even is that? It is actually pronounced: [hoo-ga]. Hygge is a Danish word. Though it doesn’t have a direct English translation, the closest single word is “coziness.” It is a concept that involves slowing down, appreciating the little things, and spending time with friends and family. It encompasses an atmosphere or feeling of warmth, joy, and comfort. What I love most about hygge is that it is adaptable for each person and circumstance. Hygge has been growing in popularity across the world because it is a principle that helps create a life of coziness and community.

Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe, that we are shielded from the world and allow ourselves to let our guard down. You may be having an endless conversation about the small or big things in life—or just be comfortable in each other’s silent company—or simply just be by yourself enjoying a cup of tea.
— Meik Wiking (The Little Book of Hygge)

Below are some ways to incorporate the principles of this funny little Danish word into your life using “The 3 P’s of Hygge.”

The 3 P’s of Hygge: place, people, positivity


You can create or find hygge just about anywhere. You might find hygge on your favorite knickknack shelf at home where you display items from your family vacations. Those knickknacks take you back to a specific memory or feeling, most likely positive. Or perhaps hygge can be found in your kitchen or dining room where your family gathers for meals. Maybe just the thought of the room filled with people laughing and chatting makes you smile. Hopefully you can name a few places where hygge already exists, but what about creating hygge? Google “hygge design” and take a look at the images. You will find a plethora of well lit, simple, cozy homes.

  •  Light. Add a little light. Danes will tell you that a vital part of hygge in Danish culture is candlelight. Great smells and lovely lights make everyone feel cozy and a bit more hygge. Can you imagine what Christmas décor would be like without light? What about a house? No one likes a house without windows! Vitamin D is so good for the soul. Open the blinds, light the fireplace, turn on a lamp, light candles, etc.

  • Simplicity. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Guests at a party don’t always need extravagant and neither do you. Be intentional with your décor choices, your activities, and your food. Each item needs a reason to be there. In photos of Danish homes, there is a lot of white. White is simple, allows for personal expression, and it keeps things simple. Hygge is not plain and boring, rather, it is natural, easy, and does not induce stress or overwhelm.

  • Coziness. How is the coziness factor in the place you are trying to create a little hygge? Something that is hygge for you should not make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Add a cozy throw or blanket to your couch. Need a moment of hygge while the kids are napping? Throw on some cozy socks while you sip some hot tea or coffee. Having friends over and you want them to step into a hygge atmosphere? Encourage them to take their shoes off and feel at home and hygge in your space.


Other people are an important part of hygge. Generally, hygge involves time with close family or friends. Introverted or extroverted, we all need our people. Creating hygge with the right people might look different for everyone. For me, it means creating a place where I can love all kinds of people. I thrive off of hospitality and inviting others into my space. I want to be a place of hygge for other people by being present and flexible.

  •  Presence. Put your phone away. Allow yourself to enjoy hygge with those around you. Focus on the people in your presence rather than the distractions on your phone. I love how one of my friend handles this. When people come over, they have a basket near the door where everyone puts their phones so they can be fully present. When you go to a restaurant, consider asking everyone to put their phones in the middle of the table so you can all enjoy your time together.

  • Flexibility. We are all different. Be flexible with hygge in order to love others well. Not everyone will experience hygge the way you do. I love hunkering down under a big soft blanket, snuggling on the couch, and binge watching a favorite tv show. Make an effort to find out what might be hygge for others. There is balance in hygge. If watching tv is part of your hygge, share that with others, but remember to include them graciously. Maybe ask their favorite show to watch and watch that instead. Be careful not to let hygge mean perfection. That delicious home cooked meal you made for dinner that just spilled all over the counter and made a huge mess? That’s okay. Order pizza and let the people you eat it with be the hygge rather than the food.


If hygge doesn’t make you smile and bring a little joy into your life, you’re probably not doing it quite right. If you are living out hygge in your life, it should be radiating to others as well.

  •  Attitude. Leave your bad attitude at the door.  Hygge cultivates community, harmony, gratitude. There really is no place for grumbling, gossip, or other negative additions. If you are attempting to create hygge in your home, putting up an encouraging Bible verse or a funny quote can make the room feel more inviting, a little less tense, and overall, more peaceful. Better yet, get a cute pillow with a funny phrase on it. Cozy AND positive!

  • No drama. Hygge with others is generally not an opportunity to discuss your bad day at work, politics, or even the bad weather. If phones are put away, there shouldn’t be drama coming from social media or the annoying text conversation you might’ve been having. Creating a place of hygge means creating a place that is free of life’s craziness.

  • Pleasure. Hygge wouldn’t be hygge without all of your favorite things to keep you positive. This is truly where hygge becomes diverse and personal. Your hygge might differ from someone else’s because different things make you happy. I encourage you to make a list of things that bring you pleasure. Keep it simple. Could be as small as riding with the windows down or sitting on the couch with your dog. Whatever it is, incorporate those things into your life regularly.

Balance, margin, whatever you want to call it, everyone needs it. Everyone needs a little space to breathe. We live in a culture that encourages life being so busy and crazy we don’t always have time for appreciating beauty, simplicity, or even quality time with others. Hygge provides a way to find joy in the little things and relax in the midst of a busy life. I hope some of these tips help you to add a little coziness and simplicity into your days.

Simply, Sarah Bagarah (2).png
Sarah Bagarah

Hey! I am Sarah, a hygge expert, coach, and photographer. I help women create a comfortable atmosphere of hygge and hospitality in their homes, relationships, and businesses.


The Woven Danish Christmas Heart