Hygge Starts At Home
Hygge starts at home. If your life is in chaos, if your business is struggling, if you are constantly stressed, you have to start by evaluating your home first. When your home environment where you start and end your day is in disarray the rest of your life will follow suit.
If you are wanting to make your life more intentionally cozy, the best place to start is not just in your home, but in your bedroom. It’s the place you sleep, do homework, and it should be a cozy haven where you can spend time in relaxation.
So, let’s start with my bedroom decor planning process:
Decide on a color scheme
Gather inspiration and evaluate decor
Draw bedroom sketch
First, I decided on a color scheme. Pink has been my favorite color my whole life, so that was an obvious top choice. I already had several furniture pieces painted a blue/green and I like to work with what I have. I also really like gold and yellow so I added a shade of that as well.
Next, I gathered inspiration from Pinterest according to my color palette and style. From there, I evaluated the furniture and decor I already own so I could utilize them as much as possible. I invested in a few new items I had my eye on as well. In addition to getting creative with what you already have, buy things on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or garage sales to keep things cheap, and remember to choose items you LOVE not just like!
When I was younger, I had a fascination with sketching out floor plans. A friend and I used to draw our dream homes complete with elevators and secret passageways. As I got older, I drew my bedroom regularly because I was forever rearranging the furniture. Now, I continue to enjoy sketching out floor plans to ensure my vision for a space will work well and everything will fit.
So, next I sketched out a layout for my room using measurements of all my furniture that I keep a running list of in my notes app. This helps me visualize the spacing of everything before the room is filled with furniture and boxes.
Lastly, it is time to put everything together. I make sure I include my essential hygge bedroom elements:
✨ NATURAL LIGHT — Though it is small, my bedroom has two windows which let in plenty of natural light. If you don’t have much, be sure to use warm toned lights rather than white to make it feel cozier and more natural.
✨ HAPPY COLORS — These are the colors that make YOU happy. Not anyone else. When I bought the salmon pink desk that is in my room I told the lady I bought it from that “it is already the exact color I am looking for!” She wasn’t so sure about it, but I was thrilled.
✨ PLANTS + FLORALS — Bringing bits of nature indoors can make all the difference. When we say to “get a breath of fresh air” outside it is because the out of doors really does do our bodies and our minds good. Plus, they are pretty and I like them.
✨ SENTIMENTAL ITEMS — I am very sentimental and I realize not everyone is. However, it is important to make a space your own by adding a few items that really mean something to you. It could be a piece of artwork, a book, photos, or in my case, all of the above.
✨ RUGS + BLANKETS + PILLOWS — Items that appeal to your sense of touch make up a large category of hygge items. Have you ever put on a sweater that was really scratchy? That texture totally detracts from an item that is supposed to be cozy and wonderful. I highly recommend adding some or all of these cozy items to your room!
Starting the process of decorating a room can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. If you get stressed out, take a break. Remember, it isn’t about perfection. It is about creating a space that you find comfortable and that you want to see and spend time in. If you need help, I would love to help you! Schedule a free consultation and let’s chat about how to bring more hygge into your home.